This was posted on this site for quite a different reason, but it has a lot to tell you about how and why our education systems fail.
@ToolGuy The great failing of our education system, which is to teach the greater majority, how to to live well and morally. A lesson, which if well taught, solves most of societies other problems at a stroke. Instead of which our education system is simply a rite of passage for servants of the political establishment, which is deliberately concerned with quite useless academic exercises, since the ability to complete such is the best test of mindless compliance.
It is hard for any culture to educate in a real sense. Because inevitably progress in teaching will only go to the most compliant or be sought by the most earnest believers. Teachers therefore must, either have no conscience, be so good at cognitive dissonance that they can not understand critical thinking or they leave the profession. So that in any society teachers are always its most damaged individuals.