Going job hunting today, wish me luck!
You got this!
Thanks! I got the job a while ago.
I got the job as a waitress, I actually had my first day today.
Set a trap for it, then kill it quickly and painlessly. Hang it for a few days, once gutted, then portion it up and cook it well. some jobs have parasites in them. Stretch and dry its skin before curing and turning it into a nice coat or shoes.
Perhaps mount the head of HR over your mantelpiece.
Beware some job can be dangerous and consume you instead.
Thanks haha
@averykings All the best with that. My daughter is rejoining the job market on Friday. If you lived in Scotland, you'd get support for studies FREE!
@Sofabeast oh that’s cool! What kinda job is she looking and i’ve always wanted to live in Scotland.
@averykings She's thinking about doing teacher training, but that doesn't start unitl January. Otherwise she enjoyed working ofr the council counting pavements. She's also after something in psychology or councelling.
I will think like a proton and send you positive vibes.
Thank you!
Good luck, Avery. May the corporation take a liking to you.
Thank you!
Kill it and OWN it!
Thank you! i hope i do.
Go get it!
Thank you!
@averykings let us know how it goes.
Good luck! But remember job hunting to different from bear hunting. The idea is to keep the job alive.
Thanks, i’ll try my best!
Remember, if you're job is doing something you enjoy you'll never work a day in your life.
Otherwise it just sucks bilgewater
I’ll keep that in mind,thanks!
Are you sure you want to do this? Work sucks!
Anyway, if your mind is set on it, the very best of luck!
Im pretty sure, i want to become more independent and also make some money but thanks!