Out of pure curiosity, is there a male equivalent for resting bitch face? When I feel that I'm projecting neutrality, it seems that I'm not.
Just for clarity, can we see an example of 'resting bitch face' ... I may have been misinterpreting this for years
With online dating photos, many men look like they want to punch the person holding the camera. They look mean, grim, sullen and/or angry. Scary.
A genuine smile is inviting, warm and attractive. Women want to see your eyes and smile.
Shirtless photos are the hallmark of a douchebag.
Bathroom selfies look like they have no friends and never get out of the house.
I can't fake a smile - it looks fake. The best I can do is a smirk.
I worded my question poorly because men are not going to accept "resting bitch face" as it pertains to them. And neither should women for that matter.
My neutral face looks like I may be down for a homicide or two. That goes far beyond excessive bitchyness.
Is there any truth in it?
Soooo many men confuse a “serious” expression recommended by Match(dot)com with angry/ sullen/ threatening look. Dudes! Ask a female friend to review your profile pics. And for goodness sake, put on a clean shirt, and enough already with the pics of your car and the latest fish you caught.
My shirt is clean,and I have zero pics of any vehicle or fish.