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New Millennials Survey in New York - It is really difficult to be a proud American (under Trump)

What it revealed:

  1. Religion - was listed at the bottom of their priorities, down 12 points
  2. Patriotism - down by 9 points
  3. Marriage - now looks "archaic" to them

Fox News [] thinks the new generation seems to be losing the good old American values of hard work, family, religion and patriotism... LOL

St-Sinner 9 Aug 28

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Probably good to lose as at their core is the 2.4 heterodox family unit, suppressed femininity and white Anglo-European preference.

The American Dream never existed and conned a lot of people for a long time.

Let’s leave the 1950’s where they belong!


"Good old 'American" (Canada is also American) values" I think they are waking up to the fact none of these are good values.What about the values of love and tolerance?


Can't say that I blame them for feeling that way. I know I sure do.
I chased the "American Dream", until I realized it was absolute
bullshit and never existed anywhere in reality.
Just like gods.


I lub 'merca.

I am trying to look up on Google Translate...


Except that millenials are also one of the hardest working generations having to work often multiple jobs to survive whereas the boomers could work one job and pay all their bills with one living wage. And divorce rates have decreased thanks to millenials delaying or abstaining from marriage. Whereas those in their 50s and older are still marrying and divorcing at a steady rate. tsk tsk

I agree.

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