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Now that I'm retired...

ADKSparky 8 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Some of our running group last Wednesday night. All ages and all abilities.


We couldn’t retire until we reached 65 to get Medicare. We had a small business with no pension but have savings/IRA. We also paid off any debts.


I am 5-7 years away from retirement. Heck, I could do it now but my benefits are too good and they pay me well plus I have a great work/life balance working from home. Anyway... We have a yearly company meeting that takes 3-4 days. The CEO always speaks first, addressing the troops for the first two days. My dream is to pay a mariachi band to play and follow me up to the stage where I can first ask the CEO a few questions... Then give my notice. I think it would be epic!

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