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The sign said, “You are here,” and I was relieved. I knew where I was.

But a sign down the road said, “You are here,” and I was confused. I was ‘here’ back there. How can I possibly be here when I was here already? Can I be ‘here’ and ‘here’ at the same time?

So I continued walking, and another sign said, “You are here!” And now I’m lost. If everywhere I go is ‘here,’ then how will I ever get to where I’m going… which is there?

Benthoven 8 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Certainly the answer is to put up a "there" sign next to every "here" sign right? And burn all dictionaries. Of course since you were relieved at the first "here" sign and still trying to get there, the whole thing kinda falls apart. Hence the saying "quit while you're ahead." But if you're ahead and you keep moving, if you're still ahead then you were behind. But it was a nice try, thanks.

lerlo Level 8 Aug 31, 2019

There there, calm down,or you will be beside yourself


I recall a family story about my younger brother when he was was about three or four. He was in the car with my parents, late at night on a dark road. And, for some reason that I don't recall, it was just the three of them. My parents decided to mess with him a bit and dad asked my mom "where are we?" My mom replied, as she looked at my brother "I don't know. Where are we?" My brother, undaunted, replied "I know where we are daddy, we are right here." That showed them 🙂.

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