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Update on the guy from the dating site: he got back to me twice! Here is our last conversation. I will not reply to his rhetoric again, though. I am throwing my pearls before swine [sic].

Him: Gwen I'm sorry for my poor debate skills, but I am very well read.. I don't know about Myths except that they are there.. If education makes you an atheist then I'm happy where I'm at with my hopes and desires in place with a hereafter.. Do you have any hopes left? What kind of life do you have thinking there is nothing beyond this mere existence.. What a waste.. What about the great minds of the church, you can't make me believe your smarter than they are (were).. but it is your choice and I respect you for your stand on what you think..

Me: Dude, you sound like a broken record from every Christian who has ever tried to "debate" me about the merits of Christianity. You spew rhetoric like a whale spews water and absolutely nothing you have written is original or logical.

You are judgmental, assume aspects about atheists that have no basis in fact, and tell me that my life is a waste because I do not believe as you do. I look around and see many, many miserable Christians living Thoreau's life of "quiet desperation." They accept their lot because, as Marx wrote, "religion is the opium of the masses." They place their hope that the "next" life will make up for their miserable existence here.

Great minds of the church? Which would those be? Martin Luther who hated Jews and thought that Revelations should be left out of the canon? Who said that if women died or suffered in childbirth, it was fine because it was their lot in life and punishment for Eve? Augustine who lived a life of debauchery and was consistently depressed even after he was "saved"? Aquinas who maintained that women were misbegotten and inferior to men? The corrupt popes who fathered children and used the papacy to further their riches? Or maybe the "original" minds such as Paul the Apostle who had a bout of hysterical blindness? How about a book written by men who said women needed to obey their husbands and to keep quiet?

I might or might not be as "smart" as they were/are, but I am very intelligent, but that is not the point: the point is ignorance, and those men (note the lack of women because women were not allowed to think and speak and rarely learned to read and write due to church guidelines) did not have the information available in modern times. In addition, they wallowed in their ignorance, prejudice, and biases because it suited them.

"Mere existence"? It is not up to you to decide if my existence is "mere" or if existence in general is "mere." The universe is a vast and mystical place, filled with wonderments and "things" beyond our comprehension. IF a deity exists, it is not your narrow concept of a petty and jealous father god and a son who is loving and kind. Your book is myth, pure and simple, and you are too ignorant and ingrained with dogma and brainwashing to consider it any different.

I pity you--I truly do. You, too, wallow in your ignorance. You have not one original thought when it comes to your religion. I knew what you would say before you said it.

Be well.

Gwendolyn2018 9 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Did you save his "one more email" to post here for our entertainment? A bit of fun reading them, especially playing "which line is next" with it.

@Gwendolyn2018 Wonder why he only prayed to the god above? What if his god is really up from Australia? Did he even consider that or did he just assume that there is an objective "up" in space. Ok, I jest (a little), but better you to deal with them than me lol.


Well said👏


Good for you @ I would've blocked him !

@Gwendolyn2018 you have more patience than


Well said. This is hopefully the most ignorant and superficial thing I've read today:

"Do you have any hopes left? What kind of life do you have thinking there is nothing beyond this mere existence.. What a waste."

JimG Level 8 Sep 2, 2019

@Gwendolyn2018 I would think that living an entire lifetime in this amazing universe and finding nothing to live for other than an imaginary afterlife would be a waste.


He is so pretentious! "Do you have any hope left?" - WTF? Does HE have any hope left? These people can't experience life without a recipe!


Fabulous response!


That was a great reply! I wish I could write like that!

@Gwendolyn2018 I hope your right but I don’t think so!

@Gwendolyn2018 your a natural. I love to read your stories!


"I knew what you would say before you said it." That's all you needed to write

twill Level 7 Sep 2, 2019

LOL you poor educated hopeless atheists! why not be like me? Be delusional and suffer miserably in life and be dumb as a bag of rocks cuz surely the after life will be far better. <-- That is what he sounds like to me


You were too kind....his stinking soft glove on the bronze fist of xian genocidal rapist conquest deserves no handshake hello nor good riddance...he insulted you and all of us .. thank you for casting your pearls into his pigsty.. if he shares your dialogue with a brain seeking escape from his cult, such eyes may open wider to your true hope filled light

@Gwendolyn2018 I just watched a TV fake docudrama on Rome and the rise of the xian religion....if it were all true and this creep writing you believes it the bastard would go all out to add more numbers to the ALLEGED 2.2 billion xians on earth....we should be grateful he is a local baptist cult victim instead of a crusader like CongressBOY STEVE KING out to force all women to stay pregnant ESPECIALLY INCEST AND RAPE pregnancies he claims has populated earth according to his alleged gawd plan


I wish you had told him how you really feel. LOLOLOL


Ha, ha! Well stated! In my experience, trying to provide logic and reasoning to the deeply religious is the equivalent of repeatedly smashing your head against a concrete wall expecting to see light at the other end. In other words, a waste of time and headache inducing. 😄


Lol. The great minds of the church . . .

Simply those who speak the loudest, or like Trump, keep the reading level at around third grade. Sometimes I think the reason they pepper the same words and phrases throughout their writing and sermons (god, Jesus, amen, holy etc.) is because it has some kind of hypnotic effect, like songs that repeat a sound or word.


A serious concern of mine is pairing up with someone as equally militant as myself; sounds like it’s own brand of Hell! I’d stop short of settling for someone religious, and didn’t go far with my most recent opportunity.

The dude actually sounded as though he was willing to listen, perhaps even learn. But when hollered at ...who wants to listen.. I especially watch the high-intensity r/s’s I’d envision you in very (very) closely. No thanks.. One in such a r/s seem plenty 🙂

Varn Level 8 Sep 2, 2019

what is r/s? 😕

@Gwendolyn2018 Also, was he listening or was he just waiting to reply/judge you... there is a whole bunch of passive aggressive judgements spewed all in his comments... some people are blinded by the lack of swearing and think someone is being sincere when they are truly not.


Funny saying he was well read, because he does not write like someone who is well read. Perhaps he just reads Christian pamphlets.

@Gwendolyn2018 I am quite sure that is the truest thing a pastor ever said. And no one knows the bible like an atheist/agnostic.

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