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Should I see this as a sign that not many people care, or that not many people are informed, or that not many people have basic integrity? Or maybe it's all of the above:

Our small town recently saw the opening of a new Chick-fil-A. Foolishly, I was hoping that few would patronize this company that has infamously invested millions of dollars in trying to strike down gay marriage and in trying to deprive gay citizens of their rights. Instead, the new store's business is booming to the extent that lines of cars from it's drive-thru lane frequently stretch out to the highway! The manager of the local Subway told me today that her business is "way off" since Chick-fil-A opened its doors a month ago.

With every day that passes, I become more and more misanthropic. All human endeavor appears to be one step forward, two steps back. Lately, it's more like five steps back!

Rob48 7 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I just don't get the draw to Chick-fil-A... They taste just as good as breaded frozen chicken I can buy for a whole lot less at the grocery store. But then I don't get why people pay $5 for Starbucks coffee either. (Though I do like their Mocha Lattes!) 😉


Nothing I can say, except yup.


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