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CNN's latest 2020 Candidates' Power Rankings []

Should everyone after Bernie "the Hunchback" Sanders drop out now? is the farce going on for too long wasting people's money and time?

St-Sinner 9 Sep 5

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I really feel some (1, 3) are too old. Whereas I feel we need to get away from white males I also think, realistically, they are the only ones with a real chance. I worry about Warren as I have heard she is too open on immigration. Fro me, it's still too early.


I think they should keep the top 5 and let everyone else go. I'd really hate to see Warren get it but I can't stand Bernie either. I actually like Mayor Pete out of all that crew.

To me, Bernie is the right message in a wrong body.

@St-Sinner I know sort of what you mean. To me, he is just irritating to listen to. However, I'd take him over trump in a heartbeat. But then I would take literally anything rather than trump!

@RiverRick Picking Bernie over Trump will guarantee Trump's victory. That is the dilemma. Isn't it?

@St-Sinner I'd vote for an aardvark over trump! But yes, I see your point.


"Power Ranking" is not the right phrase to describe that group.

BD66 Level 8 Sep 5, 2019
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