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Argonauta69 6 Mar 19

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"You're taking it out of context" is a very common bullshit charge with the subtext, "you couldn't possibly understand all the nuanced theological background behind this verse; after all, you're an atheist."

It's always uncomfortable for them if you tell them that you're a deconvert. Particularly with me, as I have a year of full time formal training in the faith. I usually know more context then THEY do.

Anyway, what they're usually really saying is that they're rationalized and special-pleaded the plain meaning of this passage away so often in their own mind that it seems perfectly reasonable to them and you simply haven't put in the time to lie to yourself.

Actually as an amature Bible historian and scholar, It is my position that Christians can not read the Bible in context. They are already believers that have differing theologies than the authors of the text and read their theology "into" the authors words. Therefore as they read they are not capable of understanding the author's intent. only their bias interpretation based on their own modern theology. Confirmation bias naturally makes them actually misinterpret it so much that they naturally think that the author is addressing what they already believe.

@DavidLaDeau Oh absolutely. This is how "prophecy" is retrofitted to the Jesus mythos to claim it as fulfillment, it is how Paul's gnostic-leaning rhetoric is reinterpreted as the gospel accounts frame it -- and for a more modern example it's how pastors preach that life begins at conception and abortion is murder despite neither things being anywhere in the Bible and despite this doctrine not existing before the 1980s. Another example of a doctrine that has absolutely zero support from scripture is "the age of accountability", yet I once had a believer argue for it using a totally non-sequitur verse from the OT that had only the most glancing relation to the question.

he should be a politician ffs @mordant


Its a book full of shit and evil. if there is a God he is some kind of C&%T


Slavery in the bible always existed.

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