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Amendment 25 is waiting. It can’t come soon enough.

The unfortunate fact of it: it gives Pence a leg up and an easier path to winning. We will be both better and worse off for it.


Rob1948 7 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Pence couldn't beat you or me for the Presidency. I doubt he could win the nomination.

People said Trump would not win. Pence has a good chance.

@Rob1948 He would have no chance. It would not be close. Without that stupid comment by Comey two weeks before the election Trump wouldn't have won.

@Sticks48 Maybe. Maybe not. We will never know for sure.

@Rob1948 True. Americans most often for a certain amount of charisma. Pence has the charisma of an old tire. He could never fire up the trump base.

@Sticks48 If he is the only choice, they could well vote for him, fearing the socialist democratic candidate. Im not saying he will win, just that he could.

@Rob1948 They could, but they are not enough. A lot of those folks vote for trump because of his personality. Like pissy progressives did with Clinton, some of them will stay home. Sometimes the far left and the far right have a habit of "watch this, fuck me"!

@Sticks48 Believe what you want. Just like those who thought Trump would never win.

@Rob1948 You believe what you want and I will believe what I want. Trump did lose by 6 million votes when you total all of the votes cast in that election. A really stupid system put him in.

@Sticks48 Stupid or not, it has served it’s purpose in the past. And, its 3 not 6 million.

@Rob1948 There were another 3 million cast for the Libertarian party and others. Saw that one the other day. The Electoral College became obsolete after the first televised debate. Since twice in the last few elections the will of the people was ignored, it needs to go away. It worked in the past, but so did horses and swords. Time to move forward. Why vote for the President if you are in a state where it doesn't count.

@Sticks48 Yes there were but that does not mean he lost by 6 million votes.

@Rob1948 It means 6 million more people voted against him.than voted for him. That is a lot. Hell 3 million is a lot.


We don't have a fully seated cabinet (alot of acting heads) and a Senate with no backbones so I doubt anything will happen.

Maybe not...

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