Ridiculous! So all of these folks are getting cancer, and their families and friends are getting cancer, but they are sitting on the cure. Cancer is not just one disease. There are several types of cancer, and no one type of treatment is effective and or cures all. People survive leukemia and pancreatic cancer. Those use to be death sentences, not long ago. I hate conspiracy theorists. They never ever have proof to back up their BULLSHIT!
I agree that no one is sitting on a cure - but look at spending toward finding cures.
@Beowulfsfriend You have to look at the Universities to see where the real research goes on, not Big Pharma. They pick up the ball after the research is done elsewhere. I am starting to believe Big Pharma should go away and let the universities and government handle the whole thing. They could not possibly do a worse job and all drugs would be much cheaper.
There are also a lot of known and suspected carcinogens that can be avoided, prevention is better than cure! ( sorry, not that myself, friends and family have remained untouched, but while these things are still readily available to the unsuspecting ). For more info try: [cancer.org] wood dust was one I didn’t know about!
Are you suggesting that all governments and multinational pharmaceutical companies have put aside self interest in favour of serving the greater interests of the cabal?
What do you think
@bobwjr yes "there at least" the market is broken. With only three manufacturers licenced to sell insulin, regulatory capture perpetuating an necessarily high barrier to entry and pricing dominated by hidden negotiations with insurance schemes: competition is unable to perform it's expected role. It's frankly disgusting. However in the rest of the world, Type I diabetes remains a condition that is treatable for all, from the richest in society down to beggars on the street. You're aware that there is a world beyond US borders where cancer is still not cured so I'm not sure how your analogy holds up.