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I am so proud of participating in a rally and marching 1/2 mile to the Rensseleur County Jail where the local sheriff accepts funds from private prisons to turn over immigrants to ICE. Never Again is one of the movements I have joined. Fighting to close the camps - keeping children out of cages. We know what it leads to......children are dying.........Jews know what happens in these camps. It will not happen again!

sassygirl3869 9 Sep 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I understand that New York State { has ended / is ending } all contracts with private prisons. I wonder, does that ban continue to the counties?

Rensselear County is the only one cooperating with ICE.


Thank you Lisa 💙 I’ve done a Never Again Action in Kansas City and will be doing more. We need to shut down the concentration camps. #AbolishICE


I recently posted this, but it's worth repeating.


THANK YOU for demonstrating against Trump's cruel policies on immigrants. Children in cages. Separating families, deporting parents and putting their children in jails.

This is inhumane and cruel.

Vote Republicans out of office!

@LiterateHiker Kathleen, this is a bigger problem than Trump and Republicans. Obama set up the deportation centers under private contractors that created cages and held asylum seekers in deplorable conditions. Obama ran a family separation program. Trump is taking full advantage of those infrastructures and policies and has expanded them, with the help of House Democrats. As the majority, House Democrats had a golden opportunity to shut these concentration camps down, or at the very least to demand transparency and accountability for how Customs Border Patrol, ICE and Health and Human Services treat asylum seekers when they wrote the so-called Humanitarian Aid Bill in June. Instead, the bill funds these agencies with an addition $4.5 billion with no accountability for how immigrants will be treated. That's why Never Again Action, the organization of young Jews, LatinX and allies, expanded their mission to shutting down ICE facilities and the offices of Democrats who voted for the bill. Vote Republicans out of office, but hold Democrats accountable. A Democratic majority means nothing if they vote like Republicans.

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