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Child marriage. Should there be an minimum age limit for marriage? Should kids be able to marry before they can drink, vote, or enter into a contract legally? Some states have no minimum age for marriage.

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lerlo 8 Sep 9

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A child bride does not choose to be a child bride.

A child bride is a female child sold to a paedophile by human trafficker parents. There is no part of that transaction that is acceptable.


Minimum age. Otherwise, minors would be vulnerable to various forms of abuse.


I suppose I could make a strong moral argument here, but no one important will listen anyways.

So, a better argument ( one that might actually appeal to lawmakers ) is that it has the potential to drastically reduce taxable income because a child likely doesn't make as much as someone older who is in a higher tax bracket, and this would reduce the amount of taxable income when they file jointly.

The tax code is written such that the combined total is taxed somewhere in the middle, and this usually means a smaller sum is paid than if they filed separately.

If someone is making a lot of money per year that amount could greatly exceed the amount that a family would get as a deduction when they list the child as a Dependant.


There is no right answer to this. People are individuals, not computers to be programmed.

you want 8 yr olds to get married?


No. But there needs to be laws partaining to legal age of consent. There should also be mandatory sterilization for both sexes until such time as the individual proves to be psychologically and financially stable enough to raise a child.

Mandatory sterilization? NOPE

As long as we are out there sterilizing people, lets also kill all the excess population, anyone too poor or stupid to be a benefit to society. Also, lets get rid of anyone who has a lisp, poor posture, calls any generic drink "coke", breaths or chews with their mouth open, has ever wet the bed, or used the internet.

Who gets to say what psychologically and financially stable is?


In an ever more complex world, where many are kept unnaturally immature for longer, in education especially, I can see a good reason for raising the age limits on everything.


Yes, there should be a minimum age, with the ability to petition the court for extreme exceptions.

@NoPlanetB Let’s say the legal age is 18. You have someone who is 17, but can demonstrate maturity and reason for being married early.

@NoPlanetB Your question also used the phrase, “tied for life.” Since when can someone not get out of a marriage?

@NoPlanetB are you looking for a fight?

@NoPlanetB oh, good. I’m too old for that and we’re probably too far from each other for it to be practical. I’m not sure of a good reason at this time, but I’m pretty sure there probably is one, which is why I think there should be the option to prove it.

If they're 17, what's the problem with waiting a year. And in the case of soneone who's unusually mature, should there be a way for that person to vote at 17?


May be worth discussing what marriage has to do with anything.

It used to a be a legal affair to ensure land rights, alliances etc. Then it became a God thing which seems irrational. What is it’s function in C21st?

Ascertain that, then you can determine age limits and other associated circumstances.

I asked the same question of my daughter when she asked me my opinion of marriage equality. She went on to list a few dozen rights that are only guaranteed to married couples. They include everything from tax filing status to being allowed to visit a significant other in the hospital.

Nobody is obligated to recognize a relationship between a couple other than marriage.

@LetzGetReal So as Tina Turner recited Whsts Love Got To Do With It?

Lizzie Bennett in Pride and Prejudice would be horrified!

@JimG that’s a shame in UK and Australia common law spouses are considered to have the same status as married

@Geoffrey51 We could also change the topic to divorce rates or the best states to get married in or anything other than the post...

@Geoffrey51 some states have common law marriage. Mine eliminated it several years ago.

@lerlo if there wasn’t marriage divorce rates would plummet!

@lerlo okay, best age to get married 72. By then you will have some discernment in life, maybe!

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