Land Grabbing... Greed over Native People is not only an ameriKKKan Only Disease...
Without the support of the USA this would not happen. Politicians are in the pockets of wealthy Zionists and the current administration is siding with Netanyahu
True Words... other reason why a Never Again a republiKKKan unpresident should be Voted into Office.
Yet any one disagreeing with this is antisemitic
During my 20 years in the US Navy I visited countries from South America to the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Columns of Hercules... over 27 countries... Isruhl was Only country we were issued a "Warning"... "Do Not Visit The Arab Ghetto, Because if Something Happen Anywhere In The World and We Come to Round Up the Usual Suspects, You May Not Have an Opportunity to Show You are an American Citizen". That is Isruhl to me... My Experience of Isruhl.
that subject is off limits to the gutless politicians which comprise the current representatives of the american ppl.
no way anyone gets elected without full support of the barbaric, racist policies of that corrupt, evil cadre.