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I admit that this made me cry. Please read this story about this young woman that initially survived the 9/11 attack. She worked in the World Trade Center. I can't imagine the horror she went through.

I didn't cry today, I thought about 18 years ago a lot but made it dry eyed until I saw this picture. I have seen this picture over 100 times but never really knew much about it. I learned a bit about her today and thought I would share.

Her name is Marcy Boarders. She was 28 years old when this pic was taken. She was working in the North Tower of the World Trade Center for about a month. She worked 12 stories below where American Airlines Flight 11 crashed. I can't imagine how scared she must have felt that day. She made it 81 stories down the main stairwell. As she reached the ground floor the South Tower had just collapsed creating an enormous dust cloud. She went on to say once the dust cloud hit her she was thrown to her hands and knees. Every time she breathed in her lungs filled up with the dust from the South Tower. She was saying out loud. "I Don't Want To Die, I Don't Want To Die"! Shortly after she was pulled into a nearby lobby by a man and that's when this picture was taken.

She made it, she had survived being at ground zero on the day of the worst attacks ever on American soil.

Marcy Boarders passed away from stomach cancer in August of 2015. Cancer believed to be fueled by inhaling dust on this very day. It is estimated that over 2,000 people have died of illnesses related to the attack in the past 18 years.

This made me weep today. Good Night. Rod

ballou 8 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you for honoring the memories of the fallen!


Thank you for posting about her. I've seen the picture before but knew nothing of who she was. So many of the Fire Fighters and Police are still dying to this very day, as are others who were there that day. Their suffering in the years it took for them to die was Immensely horrible.

Which is another reason why I appreciate in what Jon Stewart did and fighting for the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund bill and getting it passed.


I'd seen this photo before but hadn't even known her name. It's immensely satisfying to have her dignified with the details of her story, and even sadder to know how she suffered in the aftermath of that day. How tragic.

That day was an indescribable horror those victims went through. Many perished, many survived, and many got sick from that day.

@balou It was indeed horrible, and I have nightmares about it still, so I can only imagine how the survivors and their families are coping. I confess to being really obtuse about the number of survivors who have had ongoing health problems. I've known about the plight of the first responders, and I must have subconsciously thought they suffered health problems because of their extended contact with the debris. Your post made me realize that it extends to everyone in the area that day ... it boggles the mind.

3 is so unfair.

It most certainly is.

@balou my father use to say that no one ever said life was fair. It drove me crazy. Now as an adult, I see it in so many ways. I wish I was Buddhist and could accept that life just is, and live in the moment.

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