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Trump....last night in an epic ramble called Kevin McCarthy a COW and forgot Mike Pence's last name! This would be funny, were he still just an elderly real estate developer but this dude is POTUS! Can we get a welfare check? Please?

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BookDeath 8 Sep 13

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Did you read where Trumpy says that it's the energy-saving lightbulbs that make him look orange?


FFS! This looks like my American politics course is going to get very 'interesting'. I'd best remind myself who takes over after whom...
So far no POTUS has been successfully impeached, you may have another 18-24 months for that, which will become easier if his economic polices continue to fail.
Still, next week it's the judiciary, I wonder what they can/should do?

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached. Both were later acquitted however.

@RiverRick That was my answer in a quiz in college, but I was informed I was wrong as impeachment is the completed act, and not if they got off. I grumbled about that, but it is a play on language. Impeach to draw to Senate for questioning and prosecution, Impeached is to have been successfully found guilty.


Trump is unqualified for the job in every way before he took office and it’s been downhill ever since.

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