What is the biggest change since your childhood in the way people behave or express themselves?
I don't think people express themselves very well at all. They try to achieve some idea that was commercially fabricated- whether it is through fashion, the internet, television. Having original ideas seems like a myth. I have found a lot of people don't really know what and who they are. They just copy the latest fad. When they grow old, they have a hard time communicating their needs, partly because they are unaware. To thy ownself be true. Take the time to know who you are.
Use of credit cards and the computer are the biggest. I once went to the local PUD office to pay my bills now it is done online and woe be it to us if their computers get hacked. We are now much more living on the edge than when I was young, sounds weird to say, last century.
The way that smoking is being gradually removed from public life. When I was young, non-smoking areas were a novelty. Then in my teens there was only one carriage on a train where you could smoke, In my first job people smoked at their desk. In my second there was a smoking room. Every job after that had completely non smoking.offices. Then that became the law. Even in pubs.