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Eddy Piñeiro after kicking a field goal, that he has trained for, states:

If you don’t believe in God you better start believing he’s REAL thank you chicago! []
— Eddy Piñeiro (@EddyPineiro) September 16, 2019

On the day that Eddy Piñeiro made his “miraculous” field goal:

Over 25,000 died of hunger, 16,000 of those children, 1 child every 5 seconds

190 died of drug overdose, 130 of those opioid overdose

3000 died of suicide, the 10th leading cause of death, white males account for almost 70%

And, 1035 died in war.

Some say the simpleminded see miracles in everything. But to be fair, Eddy’s Bible does mention a talking jackass, and we know jackasses kick balls (and even kick jackass balls).

So what Eddy may be saying is that a braying, talking, jackass that kicks balls and gets paid over a million dollars to do so, IS ACTUALLY A MIRACLE. If only, per chance, we could get another sign, maybe him ordering lunch and getting his grilled cheese with an image of Jesus burned onto the toast, then we will finally realize the Messiah has come to save us. WE can ONLY hope! And what of the other millionaire and billionaire, shameless, jackasses that buy their children’s “education”, and the jackasses that exploit taxpayer monies in order to enrich themselves and sustain their lavish lifestyles at the expense of this planet and all life on it? Do they also believe in this god of the talking jackasses?

So as we march every day to our inevitable death, or become one of the statistics I mentioned above, we can take comfort from the distractions these jackasses provide.
We can pay to watch their games and buy their paraphernalia, pay to watch them “acting”, or squeal with delight over hateful, racist, misogynistic tweets that spew forth from orange, spray-tanned, little fingers that point and jab in erratic and animated gestures hoping to display the “genius” behind them.

After all, it’s just another day, …right?

nogod4me 8 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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The human condition surrounding us is a lonely sorrow to me. Early on I had a vision/goal of adulthood & freedom where I could gravitate towards “my people” & see sanity instead of the blatant foolishness in herds of people as far as the eye can see...but it was only lonely because I expected more. I agree with all that you wrote. When I see that from a public figure, tho, I think he is paid by the church in some way, & will suffer if he doesn’t. Carrot & stick. So he is not free. It’s a good day to be free of that, so I personally will enjoy the day grateful to have clarity, & extremely glad that I am free. And taking credit for that. It is hard work and sometimes lonely to remain free, &to help others to do so.


i've always wondered about those dickheads that thank god when they win & when things are going great. so when they go on a bad streak has god forsaken them?
i remember back 15 or 20 yrs there were some golfers who would thank god when they won. fortunately those jerks started losing & you very seldon hear a golfer thanking god these days.


I always resent the fools who, after making a good play, in any sport, point up to the sky, or make the sign of the cross, in honor of their god who has nothing better to do than watch his TV in the sky, and send an angel to the outfield (as in the movie).
A church some few miles from my home has planted 3 little crosses on the grass at an intersection, one of which says "Jesus," another of which says "Obey," and I do not recall the third. In todays context, especially, the "obey" bothers me most,as these idiots probably think that obeying Trump is tantamount to obeying their Jesus.


That boy is brilliant! Sign him up for Southampton. We need those close ball skills on the wing!


Lol to Eddie as a jackass. I concur with the rest.

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