The religious always seem to think our lives are so "empty" without their imaginary friend. How do you find abundance and fullness in your life?
I find my happiness in helping others to be happy.
i don't & try to prevent fullness on my belly.
I discovered the first hint of abundance and fullness in my life when I detoxed from Christianity. I continue that fulfillment when I accept and give love. Taking myself out of the equation. It’s all about others - particularly my wife and children.
Other than that, a concoction of heroine, cocaine, and opioids. I mean as a non Christian how else could I get along in life?
Was Christian for 30 years. Now i don't really know how to describe myself but i no longer believe in christianity. I believe in the good principles but don't believe in the myth. It's amazing to me how many christians know nothing about the origins of christianity and how it became popular. Furthermore, it amazes me even more how many don't know or care about how it was formed into a world religion. They just blindly believe what the preacher has said with no evidence. I know i believed at one point because well if i didn't believe then i was going to hell. I talked to my mom briefly and i asked do you know how christianity was born . She said no and i don't really care.
Is that a trick question? If dying is like we were before we were born, then its back to oblivion.