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Do your own research to root out fake news. . Edu, . Gov, . Net, & . Org do not use advertisers for income and, therefore, are more trustworthy. . Com sites depend on advertisers and may be biased, so beware. In order to be a credible arguer, do your research and cite your sources (which are used to double check information).









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EllenDale 7 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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and the question is...

lerlo Level 8 Apr 24, 2020

Americans have become lazy about information. โ€œFake news,โ€ conspiracy theories, and foreign propaganda have become the norm for citizens who would rather be spoon-fed someone elseโ€™s words than become proactive and do our own research. I realize I am preaching to the choir, but it never hurts to remind the population where or how to root out information from which we can make choices.

@EllenDale so there is no question. ๐Ÿ˜

@lerlo Once a lawyer, always a lawyer, eh? ๐Ÿ˜Ž

@EllenDale so there is no question. Pretty sure a mechanic can see that ๐Ÿ™‚ Hard to have a poll without a question.

@lerlo Point taken. Thank you. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


With any source, follow the money, or advertising. That will determine the agenda of the piece.


Thank you posting. There are so many times here that Wikipedia is used as a resource.

I hope it encourages others to follow your criteria if they are serious about argument.


It's hard to trust anyone anymore. I listen to WTOP local talk radio. Now, local radio around here is usually national news... They seem to be the least biased in most cases and when someone has an opinion it is labeled as such.

Just the facts ma'am!


even the national news and world news is cherry picked or/and bias so its all kind of fake. we arnt even taught proper History either.


I know for certain that anyone can get a .org domain. I've had one. Not sure about .edu. Only governments or its agencies (local to federal) can get .gov domains, I think administered by the Dept of Commerce. It isn't always the case that .com domains behave in the manner you suggest.

Lots of .net scraper sites for sure. Also sites like NYT which sadly for many of us, arent totally dependant on ad revenues

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