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We must prevent the state’s GOP from suppressing the vote of their party members.

SageDave 7 Sep 20

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I don’t really care about GOP suppressing its own party but I do care about it suppressing the vote of everyone else. The only reason GOP has any power is because of cheating and dirty tricks. We will continue down this right wing path of destruction unless we can stop them.

@Bobby9 Oh stop! Democrats don’t have two stolen presidential elections.

@Bobby9 🥴JFK? In Illinois? Perhaps you need the history lesson! Republican propaganda because they knew Nixon wouldn’t have won anyway and wanted to call corruption and it has been debunked a million times!

Which stolen elections? Bush 2 and Trump which were demonstrably won by Democrats except for hanging chads, suppression, Supreme Court and Russian interference.

@Bobby9 The JFK election is a conspiracy theory and there is no evidence that "dead people" voted in the presidential election. Even if they did, it would have taken more than a 1,000 votes to sway Illinois' Electoral College votes.

@Bobby9 google clear evidence was presented that Gore won about the time that the planes flew into the World Trade Center. Mueller said Russian interference was widespread and pervasive and your bias is pretty clear so do not respond with any more smarmy Republican talking points.


Why must "we" prevent anything? Seriously, beyond being from one of those states, and being worried on principle about states rights vs federal domination, who cares? If youre directly affected, it seems like finding another party to ally with, is far more useful than clinging to the crumbling wreck of what was once the GOP.

It had to do with the primary elections of challengers for the Senate and House seats. This is especially true in Kansas. I also believe that the suppression of one vote is suppression of all votes.

@SageDave Im familiar with the issue/ article. I guess we don't agree, a party that doesnt hold an election for its internal purposes isnt suppressing votes. If there are party members who want to vote in the primaries, they need to choose a new party. Its not that hard.

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