Confessions of a Homebody
When I was a teenager, my parents worried that I had few friends. So, about the time I became old enough to drive (age seventeen in New Jersey), I went about befriending everyone I could, and for decades endured weddings; clubbing; noisy parties; superficial social gatherings; expensive, exhausting vacations with various people I didn't really care for, etc. Then, when I retired in 2010, at the age of sixty-two, I underwent a metamorphosis and became the homebody I remain today. I have a few very bright, liberal friends whom I've known for many, many years; I also have my partner of almost thirty-six years and my various interests---all of which are centered around home. It's enough. For the first time in my life, I can genuinely say that I'm happy. For me, a whirlwind social life is torture, not pleasure, and the sanctuary of home is what suits me to a tee (or T). Just wish I'd tuned into this much earlier.