The truth is that praying to Batman will do just as well as praying to Jesus. They are both imaginary hero characters.
POW ! SMACK !! SLAM !!! KERPLUFF in the stomach !!!! Doobie Brothers OH YEAH
@Agnieszka ok you can laugh but neither comic book fiction nor bible fiction makes me laugh .....the sound words of Batman Robin fist fighting with crooks jokers and Penguin just do not extend into humor or rock&roll .....But I love Doobies no matter how fucked up ignorant religious they became....there never was a jesua nasoret or a rabbi who was crucified @ Golgatha.....but many thousands of priests have raped millions of children since the CRUSADES
@Agnieszka that was the best panel and I liked it the single thought or prEyer has ever restored an amputee or innocent victim bombed dead