“God you guys suck at this! So hey, corporate Democrats if you’re not going to do a good job then good, step aside and let a progressive run against him (tRump) and destroy him!
But they say he’s (Biden’s) the most electable, this is exactly how you clown an election. I know ‘cause I saw this movie before, when Hillary did the same thing. Stop going for soft Democrats who don’t know how to fight tRump. Put a progressive in there and let us kick his ass!” … Cenk Uygur, TYT
A native Oregonian, and suppose I knew better .. cuz I’d got involved. Those who don’t, especially those living in blue states … make comments like yours..
Take a character like Bernard Sanders, “When elected,” “I’m going to”.... Sure, you’re going to propose all kinds of good stuff. Where’s it going? Nowhere. Kinda like all the ‘good stuff’ the current House of Reps are proposing … where’s it going - with a Republican President and US Senate - same place (nowhere).
Remember George McGovern..? I do. Carried ..two states I believe.. Great guy! Should have been President … but was too far ahead of the nation to get elected. Honestly, right now, I don’t see any viable ‘middle of the road’ Democrats.. Tragic. And, trump’s best shot at another 4 years…
What I’d determined, after ‘getting to know HRC,’ was that she’d have lead the nation toward about everything Bernard had proposed. Her Supreme Court picks alone would have set us up for continued progress. She’d have been a magnificent President. But no ..too many purists demanding things they can not even understand why they won’t immediately get … with a pied piper ready to have a heart attack demanding the same.
E. Warren; and she’d best plan to moderate as ‘our candidate.’
If Biden is the nominee fewer millennials will show up to vote. I'm not sure a democrat can win without the millennial vote.
I think that everyone who isn't a progressive is afraid that a progressive will upset the apple cart of corruption and rat out all of the corporate democrats and republicans who have their hand in the illicit corporate cookie jars.
All of these old fogies haven't been lifelong politicians because they are doing their civic duty to the country. They're all in it because of the fringe benefits (hands in the corporate cookie jar) and they're afraid of losing those benefits.