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is the New Cold War in the Making?


  1. China threatens US Basketball and bans all basketball broadcast from Chinese TV - for supporting Hong Kong protests
  2. China threatens the U.S. for selling defense equipment to Taiwan
  3. China grabs and takes control of Japanese islands in South Asia
  4. China invests heavily in African countries and leases agricultural land for cultivation, starts large scale public construction projects with Chinese loan financing
  5. China rebuilds the $900 billion silk route through 4 continents []
  6. China builds the world's largest and best airport in Beijing
  7. China retaliates to U.S. tariffs and develops new markets for Chinese agricultural and other products
  8. Chinese Huawei signs contracts for 5G in most countries in the world, Russia being the latest
  9. China warns everybody in the world about supporting Dalai Llama in Tibet
  10. The U.S. is afraid to openly support Hong Kong protests

The United States

  1. The U.S. imposes heavy tariffs on Chinese imports
  2. The U.S. bans Huawei from doing 5G business in the U.S. and appeals the UK to ban it too
  3. The U.S. blacklists China organizations over Xinjiang 'Uighur abuse'

The United States ad the world is generally afraid, hesitant to oppose, criticize China for any reason including for human rights abuse.

So do you think a cold war between the U.S. and China has started and will erupt to full blown within 3 to 5 years??

St-Sinner 9 Oct 8

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If it does then the USA had better watch out, as China hold a huge amount of its debt

Th US is only one of the many around the world. Many African and South Asian nations are in China's heavy debt. It is a strong reason to start a war. Who is going to rescue the U.S. on the Treasury Bills? The World Bank, the IMF or the EU?

@St-Sinner That might depend on how much 45 pushes "America 1st"

I personally believe that the game China is going to play in the world is above Trump and his two terms. China has been working on being a world power for 40 years. It is not dependent on Trump.

@St-Sinner Yes I agree with the China part. They say that the Chinese plan for next year and 200 years from now. Hence their lease of the new territories to the UK.
However the 45 part is whether the rest of the world will come to the US`s aid?

The world does only what serves their interests. They will condemn, protest and even vote in the UN with us but will they come to actually help us? I doubt it very much.

Look around, the U.S. had has no diplomatic relations with Cuba and North Korea and all other countries have embassies with both and their citizens travel there regularly. Every country thinks what is right for its people and what is right for them strategically. China is very aware of the thing called world alliances and therefore has spread it financial tentacles in Africa, Europe and South Asia.

I expect there will be a new world order just like there were 1st world, 2nd world and 3rd world during the cold war. This time it will be China block, Non-China block and non-aligned (aka cowards). It is possible that India and China will create a larger financial block to make it larger than the U.S. and EU by 2040. The danger is not imminent tomorrow but very likely in the next 20 years.


Everything we are exposed to is mostly bullshit. . . Reality: The more conflict the more governments, and banks, have control over influencing the cultures to support their narratives.
CNN is telling us about the reality they are sure will result in us returning to listen. This is not about the truth. This is about business. And this is why "Net Neutrality" is synonymous with "Free Speech."

'Nielson Ratings' is the new God.

@St-Sinner Ahhhh ahhhh ahhh maaan.


A very interesting point. It seems that no country has the balls to stand up to China and you could well be right.

It will be interesting to see if UK has the will to mediate in the current Hong Kong problems. Chris Patten, The governor who handed HK back to China in 1997, said recently if Carrie Lam doesn’t get her act together a great number of people will die.

Someone also said that she is considering asking China for help with the situation. That could fuel another Tiananmen.

Let’s hope all parties can. One to their senses quickly.

If the world does not take an action now, China will be unstoppable in 2 to 3 years.

@St-Sinner ...and I don’t feel that would be a good outcome for the West!

Do you think like I do on these?

  1. China's rising and stronger power around the world will create a different world order
  2. This will bring new restrictions, alliances, economy and military blocks
  3. Our next generation will live in it for a lifetime like our parents lived during the cold war?

@St-Sinner Definitely with you on that one. Looks as though the agenda has been set.

I also suspect that the agenda is beyond politics and the upper echelons have the power, for whatever purpose.

With globalisation is in play we need to look beyond national boundaries and co- operate unless we want the fate of the oxen in Aesop’s fable The Wolf and The Four Oxen.


Well this is going to be fun

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