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Religion is a product of the imagination and has no basis in reality. To indoctrinate children with this imaginary nonsense is child abuse. Evolution drives all life without purpose or design. We are who our brains say we are. If our brains change, our persons change. When our brains die, our persons disappear forever.

retiredguy 4 Oct 9

Enjoy being online again!

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We are, what we think. Everything we have achieved in life was all once imagined.

Religion claims to be spiritual, when spiritual is simply the 99% unknown. Their personal God's claim to know it all and be all and end all.

Religion is more like a broken parrot with wrong translation of selective memory's loss. Coupled with ancient poems and fantastic stories over a fire on too much weed and majic mushrooms creating fearful super natural hero's. Much like Hollywood super heros today. There is outside hope. Pope says Aliens will be our Saviors, that is little more realistic. Best bet, save yourself.

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