I've found compelling arguments on both sides of Turkey/Syria. The frustration I've experienced brought a question to mind. Whose job is it to investigate details and provide resolution? Isn't that the sole responsibility of UN? Isn't purpose of UN to protect peace and security? What a ridiculous hoax this organization is! Only countries UN "protects" are Israel and US. Why would any other country send representatives? to keep up the facade? What a circus it must be to every refugee in the world. All below have occurred after it's creation. Nothing it's done justifies it's existence to me.
Syria/Turkey Pakistan/India Israel/ Syria/Lebannon/Iraq/Palestine/Iran/Us Us/Syria/Libya/Lebannon/Iraq/Iran/Afganistan/Pakistan/Ukraine/ SaudiArabia/Bosnia/Vietnam/Macedonia/Somalia/Sudan/Congo/Liberia/Argentian/Chile/Columbia/Bolivia.......
We wouldn't be in the mess in Syria if we had not invaded Iraq and left a vacuum that produced ISIS. That said, our involvement in Syria has been done with few casualties because if the Kurds. They have done the fighting and we are throwing them away. Dip shit doesn't listen to his Intel that says up to 80k ISIS family members are still around and will most likely reemerge. This is perfect for Russia and Putin.
Agree Iraq was the biggest military cock up since the Charge Of The Light Brigade!
Even I know you don’t leave a power vacuum , especially in a zone as volatile as Middle East! It seems a deliberate action when you look back to the Blair Bush conspiracy and the death of David Kelley
Russia and Putin? Seriously? Please elaborate. Few casualties? Syrians disagree. Isis? Israel and US LOVE isis doing their dirty work.
@jniece few American casualties in Syria.
UN runs WHO world health organization and Vatican censorship there is murdering 6 million women per year denying them life saving abortions/deadly disease preventing condoms.....UNICEF feeds children and provides some health care/education.... you are correct the UN shields USA from war crimes jailing TrumpOLINI ObushaObombney Netanyahu BILLARY Biden polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionists and gives sanctuary to precious few women escaping slavery rape torture and honor killings
What's REAL agenda?