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I live in a town where a lot of people are "into astrology." I have often heard people say something like, "I would never date a (insert astrological sign) because they're so (insert behavioral stereotype of choice). These are generally people who eschew racism, sexism, ageism, etc. Question: Is astrology the last form of politically correct prejudice?

Mostly_Harmless 6 Oct 14

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Here's a silly aside with that. Last week in Research Issues class (I'm a student, a very mature one) we had comment from Georg Simmel, this included a bit about star signs, so I asked, which one am I? Unanimously the vote was Leo - guess what - correct! Doesn't support astrology, just says I'm a loud mouthed Englishman who happens to have been born in August!

When people ask me what my sign is I usually tell them that if astrology works, then they should just be able to tell. They almost always guess wrong.


Nope stupidity

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 14, 2019

Very odd. Makes no sense.


Its a weird cover for saying "yes i do have standards" while at the same time trying to be the most enlightened yet low-standards kid on the block


It’s not politically correct’s bonkers, and those who follow “their stars” and allow this mumbo-jumbo to rule their lives are deluded in the same way that religious people are. In fact they are probably that too, although I don’t know how belief in astrology fits into the god equation.


It is odd, to say the least, that people really think that a person's birth month dictates their personality and that certain signs are compatible or not.

I guess I don't have to worry about it because I would never consider being romantically involved with someone who thinks/believes that way. Is that a form of prejudice on my part?

No...just good common sense.

You are just not compatible because he is a scorpio and you don't believe in bullshit.

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