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Hello, I am Adam and I am a person that loves philosophy, learning new and different perceptive out there. I would like to meet like minded people here and I also would love to meet someone on here that I can have meaningful and deep conversations with and maybe become friends and possibly a significant other, depending on what happens first. I hope everyone has a great day today. I also am looking for a relationship, too, but I would like to have conversations with the person, woman, who might want to be in a relationship with me.

AdamMercier 2 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Hello and welcome, enjoy the site and don't worry about points and levels too much, they come fastest when you are not looking. Also check out the groups, there is something there for everyone.

But sorry we only do deep conversation if you want that for hard cash, tell us what you want to talk about and we will send you an invoice.

No only kidding. LOL

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