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Seeing little snippets of Trump’s rally in Texas last night: he could say he just shit his pants and his true believers would line up the get a spoonful! They absolutely don’t care what he does, who he screws nor how many people die due to his stupidity! As long as he waves his hands around and acts like an ass at his rallies they will adore him.

Barnie2years 8 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Can't figure it out, too Fucking crazy for me

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 19, 2019

Fifty-five percent of white Americans believe they are being discriminated against. What drives their fear?

"If you want to know what America will look like in a generation, look at its classrooms right now. In 2014, children of color became the new majority in America’s public schools. Over the last 20 years, the number of Hispanic public schoolchildren has more than doubled, and the number of Asians has swelled by 56 percent. The number of black students and American Indians grew far more modestly—but the number of white students fell by about 15 percent.

"The majority-minority milestone has arrived in our public schools early—a consequence of white children’s overrepresentation in private schools and the relative youth of America’s black and Hispanic populations. It is not a fluke. It is a preview of a transforming country.

'Demographers predict that non-Hispanic whites will make up less than half of the country’s population by 2044, if not before. This change will affect not just our workplaces and our institutions but entire communities the country over. It will also transform our politics—in fact, it already is. Donald Trump’s success in the Republican primaries testifies to the growth of white-identity politics based on a fear of an historical “other” upending the established order."



Years from now, we will see Trumpies at airports, selling sharpie pens!


Insane and inexplicable.


It's called a Cult. We the non-religious know this well, don't we?

I think of Charles Manson. He DID kill and even then his followers thought the sun shone from his ass. There are still aging old Manson droogies who still do. It's a neurological disorder. All religions and cults are. I look at Trump's rallies too. Those who are not being paid to jump around and hold placards, and some are, are truly delusional and brain impaired, possibly permanently, like some old Mansonites. Worse, I worry they will rally behind Trump 2, who ever that may be.

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