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Lately, I've been reading back issues of National Geographic. As I learn more about international cultures, it reinforces my view about organized religion as purely subjective.

Spock 3 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Exactly. What the West determines to be religion is based on the Abrahamic Tradition of religious doctrine and praxis.

The idea of ‘religious’ thought is non existent to most global cultures with the term being interlaced with political endeavour.

To get a clearer view of indigenous ideas it is necessary to consider sociology rather than religion. The work of Emile Durkheim and Clifford Geertz can provide a primer for these studies.


Real travel is even better, I do not think that even Pascal could promote his wager in todays multicultural and linked up world. You soon see that there are two many different gods and routes to the gods for it to ever work.

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