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US $$$$ working overtime.

Jolanta 9 Oct 20

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American taxpayer money is going in wrong places for decades.... To Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Central American countries, Mexico and finding illegal immigration right here in the U.S. All cannot be stopped immediately. So we have to pick our battles. Therefore, we should pick fighting illegal immigration as the first priority and worry about Palestine later.

That is very sensible. Specificities rather than broadness. How many battles have been lost due to thin distribution of forces!

Many although America having large resources, it often took on too much than we could handle and failures were sold as success.... For example Vietnam or Iraq.

@ToolGuy We owe them nothing. Britain, Portugal, France and Spaniards fucked up around the world for centuries. Are they opening borders freely to all countries they fucked up? Is the UK giving special privileges and residency to Americans because they colonized America?

One class of citizens cannot demand others should pledge their hard earned money and resources to your own passion. They should step forward, open their homes, go to Central America to help people. Our tax payer funds will not go to help illegal causes or law breakers. We will focus on welcoming merit based, competent, law abiding, honest people who will not be a public charge from around the world. America's doors are open to law abiding people, not to law breaking people.

@St-Sinner First, Language. If the US would not meddle in other countries you would not have immigrants and I somehow doubt that you are a native Indian, so you to are immigrant stock.

@Jolanta Make it legal immigrant. It is a big distinction. I am against illegal immigration full force.

Therefore your solution is allow illegal immigration?

That is exactly my point. The time is not now. Talking about futuristic ideas now of no borders, world economy, free movement of people and goods, no war, free healthcare for all is taking ud to Utopia that does not exist and will not exist. Any of these ideas will take a few lifetimes and while we keep dreaming and throwing our hard money at it insanely, we are forgetting what we must do now, what we must do today.... like Bernie can tell us how he can achieve brokering the Infrastructure bill that is rotting in Congress for 11 years that he has been there all along. Let him pass this simple test before asking for the keys to the White House.

@St-Sinner oh, you short term person, all about you and what you got.

Where is I here? All is about Bernie, the snake oil salesman, I wrote,

@St-Sinner it’s always about you, you don’t have any compassion for anyone else but you. No idea about social justice or how well social democratic countries are treating their citizens.

Correct, I do not have any compassion for illegals, law breakers. My compassion is rightly placed and I step out do real things. You have check out your head for the wrong, fuzzy ideas stuffed in your head. Your sense of right and wrong is badly screwed up. What you call compassion is actually supporting illegal activities.

@St-Sinner You don't have compassion period. Tosser.

Not according to you who has no sense or right and wrong. If you did not learn early on, you are not going to learn it now, no matter how much I try to teach you.

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