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‪Autopsy finds Jeffrey Epstein had several broken neck bones [] via @nypost HE WAS MURDERED!‬

Charliesey 7 Oct 24

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I am sure he was murdered. Too many weird things in the explanation of what happened.


I'll go with the theory he was murdered. I think he had dirt on too many people.


Have heard conflicting autopsy reports - difficult to know which one to believe.


“If, hypothetically, the hyoid bone is broken, that would generally raise questions about strangulation, but it is not definitive and does not exclude suicidal hanging,” said Arden, who is not involved with the Epstein autopsy."

This will all fade away. It's too little, too late.


Yes, I read about it but this is smoothly shoved under carpet by the powers be. You are not going to hear about how Jeffrey Epstein died again. How to steal the news of the day by other announcements and divert attention is an art that has been mastered by the wrong doers in politics.

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