31 44

I see posts here saying "are Atheists this?" We do not all think the same. An atheist is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. That's all it is. We are still individuals with vast differences.

vjohnson51 7 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I am guessing by very dint of the conjecture that flat-Earthers are also atheists.

@Gwendolyn2018 Because atheists are everywhere that doesn’t need a god by very nature of the terminology.

@Gwendolyn2018 What I am saying is that among flat-earthers you will find those who are atheists.

The same will apply to butchers, vegetarians and leaders of council. As the poster says we are all individuals.


Herd of cats.


In social media, I have come across individuals that appear to make the terms, "atheist," and, "evolutionist," synonyms. I think that this illustrates the kind of jump to a conclusion that you are talking about as many evolutionists are not atheists. They are expanding a definition to fit what they want to say at the moment.

MrDMC Level 7 Oct 25, 2019

I`m not


Sadly, we currently live in a society that, by and large, has ceased to think critically and can only evaluate and make sense of external concepts purely in either/or terms. It is very easy to judge or vilify or discard opinions of others if one paints with a large enough brush in the broadest of all strokes. Questions like "Are xxx This?" or "Does yyy That?" are symptomatic of mental over-simplification.

Of course we are all individuals with vast differences. Objectively pondering those differences makes most peoples' brains hurt.


Yes we are

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 25, 2019

Some people don't take into account quantum mechanics and the wild things that happen, not attributable to supreme being

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