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"Cognitive bias occurs when we make subjective assumptions about people or situations based on our own perception of reality. This can lead to irrational decisions and judgement calls that affect those around us. They can alter the way you see everything without you even realising it. "


Angelface 7 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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That's why we tend to use, logic, reason and science to check our own cognitive bias

Ah, but do we? How often do we naturally or regularly check or acknowledge our own biases?

@Angelface as a whole probably not much, but people like you and me I assume are better at it, even if not great at it. Scholars and Scientist need to adopt sound methods for determine truths so their own bias is made negligible in determining results.


Yup. That's how I know someone is cis hetero, for instance, because they simply can't grasp the concept of someone having a different gender identity than that of their birth bodies.
They also claim that gay people have a "choice" and "should" choose to not be gay. This shows they can't conceive anything other than their own gender identities and heterosexual orientation.

Usually, people who say these things are white evangelicals, but I've even encountered such myopic people on liberal places like this.

@Angelface People can't help how they feel, and many trans people feel angry and dismissed by others. I didn't realize I was partially transmale until 2014, or that it was why I was always angry. My male side felt insulted by my female label and pronouns, and felt invisible. Once I acknowledged it, the anger left, since I accepted myself.

@birdingnut I removed my earlier comment because I felt it was biased. I was projecting how I felt due to my condition onto you. I need to be more discerning.


Presumption or assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.


Of course that is a natural occurrence. That is why living in one or more different cultures is so enlightening and clarifying.


Most people do it without even knowing that it is going on. Thus it is difficult to change your position on this.

Any change is comparable to a habit change, taking about ninety days to establish it. Unfortunately, many as you've posted don't understand or care to change.

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