Washington Nationals pitcher won't visit the White House after World Series win over Trump's divisive rhetoric!!!!! No respect for this POTUS deserved? Agree/Disagree?
It is NOT the office of the president that is disliked, it is the bozo behind the desk who everyone hates.
Not only the pitcher but the owner, Ted Lerner (a strong Democrat) is also against tRump.
He trash talks everyone, and makes our entire country look like trash. The hell with him! The sooner he is out of our lives, the better. I think the Nats should, as a team, stand for our country, and boycott this orange Nazi slime mould. He is a stain on the USA.
One can respect the office that it stands for and trash the man who is trashing the office. Where was trump when the team was honored? NYC at a fight.
I would like to see the whole team refuse to go, but tha'ts just me.