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Love soars when we do not overload it with demands.

Jolanta 9 Nov 3

Enjoy being online again!

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True. Can relate to the inverse. Survived almost 30 years of demands and unsolicited advice. Love plummeted. Still drop in on Dragon Woman (affectionate name for the ex) to make sure she's OK. After all she still is the mother of my kids. But the Dragon still persists with a diminished amount of unsolicited advice.
Served a longer sentence than Nelson Mandela but still got to jailer on my back.

When a vet asks me where I served, I replay "got married when I was 17 and I would bet that I have seen more combat in my 2 tours of marriage then anyone you have known"

@moosepucky What! And after all that you are still Open to Meeting Women, have you not learned anything?

Maybe you still love her, because the kids are not kids anymore.

@Jolanta Bit confuse here. If you are speaking to me. Prior to being with the Dragon more than half my friends were female. The Dragon was terribly inflicted with the green eye so all my friends of the opposite gender had to go. It took a while to find myself and establish new friendships.

@Dooley Are your new friendships still with the opposite sex?

@Jolanta More than half.

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