I could use some feedback. Have had a great career, was a single mom who continued taking classes many years of my life, had nice social life with many beaus and friends......but now??? Moved around quite a bit last few years.....but now live in religious bedroom community full of commuting workers, joined the groups, clubs but just not fitting in. Good health for my 75 years but feeling uneasy out there, not happy, always searching for a better place/outlook, etc.....True blue democrat feeling like I am in a 'red' world.
Is there a senior community out there that doesn't have rules for this and that and more? Can't find one.
Any words of comfort to decrease my discomfort.....???
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "religious bedroom community"?
I'm wondering this also.
The one I was familiar with in Oregon had planted itself just over a metro-area boundary into a hostile, religious-red county that cared nothing about it’s schools, roads, environment, healthcare or social services … yet had massive churches on every corner. If you did not attend one, you were ostracized within what little community that existed..
Its an urban area where people live but they drive to work every day which is at least 25 miles away (usually 35-40 miles away one way)...they fight traffic going to work and more coming home. They are exhausted and stay home inside their days off and weekends.
@Mofo1953 It was a putrid ‘community’ (spectrum of mixed housing) full of right-wing religious & political fanatics who’d do their best to drive away progressives … while keeping ‘taxes low-to-nothing’ for their homes ..as they commuted to jobs in the cities next door. So they slept in a church littered low-tax enclave and work away. I’d have never moved there
@Mofo1953 Well, to have stumbled into the enclave I’ve described means you’d have done zero homework regarding the town. The one I’m familiar with was notorious for ostracizing newcomers. I’d politic there as a Democrat during their yearly festival and receive more hostile treatment than any other town in the county. They were arrogant, ugly, and proud!
Moving is possible… I knew a wonderful teacher and her husband who lasted around a decade before getting out..
@Mofo1953 The teacher I knew was cool, from England, and had moved ‘there’ to be close to work/ her school. ...then the ‘great recession hit,’ they couldn’t get what they’d paid, but continued to make improvements. Recovery (much sooner in OR) - and they got the fuck out of there! New home in the rural hills … still plenty of bible-pushing gun-loving crazies -- but much further apart
@sologal Hadn’t noticed your response here: “Its an urban area where people live but they drive to work every day which is at least 25 miles away (usually 35-40 miles away one way)...they fight traffic going to work and more coming home. They are exhausted and stay home inside their days off and weekends.” BINGO
That’s exactly what I’m describing.. And just think … on those excessively long, congested commutes … these crazies are all ‘packing’ (loaded pistols)! And, with their numbers, they’re able to dominate the local school boards, county commission, city government, police departments … and prettymuch starve each - in order to keep their property taxes down.. Stay safe
Look around and see if there's a Unitarian Universalist meeting house near you. They tend to draw whatever open minds are in an area. They welcome thinkers, and all those that question, regardless of race, sexual orientation, belief system or not, and whatever other "oddness" one might have - imagine that !
hmmm, I did look them up....two of them each about 20 miles from me in either direction. I might give them a try.....or I should say a look see. Thanks PS I am a bit skeptical of a group that wants to reform me; I hope that does not happen here.
@sologal No reforming. No dogma. No crosses on the walls. No silly statues. No guilt. So refreshing. You are encouraged to do your own thing - whatever it may be - or not. And yet it fills that intermittent need to belong, to be understood and accepted. I've been attending various groups over the years - I take long breaks, and then find I miss it.
If you are a progressive politically you might think about joining the Democratic Central Committee where you live. Or any of the other progressive organizations. If you are not political there may be chapters of women's organizations you might be interested in such as American Association of University Women. If you are interested in volunteering there may be places you would find give you some of what you are looking for. Good luck.
thanks but I have tried most of those ideas. No AAUW local....Democrat group 20 miles away and meet at night.....but I will re-consider those ideas. Appreciate your feedback.
Arden, Delaware is an interesting artist/actor colony. There are free-thinking people of all ages. If you find another place, please let me know; I'm thinking ahead, and tired of the money-oriented red mentality here in my suburb west of Philly. I would move to Arden, but you can only own a house there, just not the land it sits on.
It's a global world.. you are thinking inside the box of what you see as a "community".. western, "bedroom", identifiable. Look on line.. there are many "alternative" ways to live these days.. they just dress up in different trappings that you may not recognize but that you have an affinity for.
Your peeps are out there!!
sounds like a good idea...but can you please give me some search words more than alternative?
@sologal I don’t know what your interests are. Are you an urbanite or more rural. Would you be more comfortable in a commune style hippy thing?.. or are you interested in living in a co-operative type environment?
These questions are of course rhetorical.Only you know where you truly want to be.
if you're looking for happiness in the conduct and demeanor of others then you will always be sad. learn to not need others.
Not having a social life is awful and a lonely existence.
@MizJ there are degrees to socializing. it doesn't have to be that deep.
@JeffMesser....... to be meaningful it does for me......I have been around for 75 learning years.....and have had enough shallow connections.
I'm sure that's not possible for the majority of people.
@brentan it's a central tenet to buddhist and hindu beliefs so I bet many more do it than you think.
@JeffMesser To be honest, I doubt it.
@sologal have you read the dhammapada?
I know of no new suggestions but I do hear your words and know your situation. I'm 73 and went to a Senior Center with a friend of mine. People inside all talk about "fake news" and they have to pray before meals and they also say the pledge. Oh, mother of Pearl, spare me this nonsense. I cannot live in this sort of world at all.
That sounds like a nightmare scenario!
I hear you....have had those same experiences........but I want to do the smart and right thing for myself...... so will keep working out a solution. thanks
You are living in my old stomping grounds. I assume Corona. Moreno Valley has a Democratic Club run by a bunch of hell-bent women that I love. Radine and her Daughter Nina have been doing wonders there for decades, they have a FB page. If you want to feel like you belong, this is the place, tell them Jerry sent you. Say hello to Ruthie also, I used to be a delegate to the California Democratic Convention and cannot wait to move back. Fight the good fight!
oh that was a great reply to read.....and yes, will try your suggestions. Cheers!
Sounds like you are describing the suburb where I live. I have found what works for me is to seek my whole social life in the nearby relatively large city, Des Moines, that is much more diverse and less conservative and religious. It involves a lot of driving, but it's worth it. The condo community I live in has lots of rules, but it really doesn't affect me because I don't socialize with them or spend any real amount of time here outside my condo apt.. Meetup groups, even in the Des Moines area, have been a waste of time for me in almost every case, as they seem to cater to and attract pretty much people who are much younger than me.
My local senior center is also useless for socializing. Everyone there but me is pretty much way older and also not very educated or interesting. They are all also very conformist and pretty religious. I just go there to eat free lunches by myself and be left alone.
I nearly advised trekking to a neighboring ..city, too. It’s a damn dangerous trek to the best one for me, though, so I haven’t.. Without creeping on your profile (as my daughters would describe it), you look too young to be hanging with olden goldies
Thanks for your note.....appreciate what you said. And yes, I do attend events with food...just don't join in the angel conversation....but I am very outgoing....hard to be quiet sometimes.
I've been living quite a few years here in a place which doesn't suit me well, but I have made friends and have activities that I enjoy as well as a job. I have the opportunity to move to a place which suits me much more where I lived 30 years ago and I loved it. I have old friends and family, but I will have to develop new things to do, and the cost of living is higher. It's a hard decision. How do you decide the best place to live and what choices do you have?
It’s tuff, especially with family a long way away… To remove my head from losing my families century farm … I spent years searching. From other nations - to the opposite side of ‘this one,’ I’m now three thousand miles from all I knew..
Though landing in a magnificent place, nothing’s perfect. Right now, those with the means are heading to their winter places in Florida Not me, another winter on the Blue Ridge.
Life’s too short.. and finding myself welcomed by complete strangers, having become valued friends & trusted neighbors, has given me a far more positive view on humanity... People are generally OK. Poorly educated sometimes ..but most looking for what we all are ~
Very good question.....but I have stirred up many reply messages here which is keeping me busy and not thinking about my dilemma as much. And you right...life is too short.
Whooo, interesting pickle in which you find yourself.
I'll offer an "I" story--- First, I'm 71 but look 55. I am not ready for, nor interested in a "senior community" since I believe that age diversity is better for neighborhoods and that gated anything is divisive.
I wanted to move to downsize, to recreate what I have without as much of the headaches. Being slightly autistic and a non-believe and a free thinker made me unique in finding certain places. I wrote off tons of gorgeous places (Idaho, Montana, Arizona mountains, more rural parts of northern California) because of the solid red state mentality and strict women-as-second-class-citizens mindset. "If you ain't a couple, we ain't interested"... really?
How did I find my eventual landing place? By knowing what I am, and looking for like-minded people FIRST. I found that the Medford area is chock-a-block full of artists, blue people, and to a lesser degree, free thinkers. I visited and stayed in the area four times in the last two years, and have settled on a smaller arts community that may well feed that part of me. (I work in oils and hot press steel).
I found the same to be true of other geographic areas...for example Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
So what I'm saying is that thinking through your outcome is the way to find the path to your evenual good location. I cannot offer any advice about your current situation, since you made some decisions that you now regret.
If you decide to relocate to up the ante, please make lots of lists of what you can and cannot cope with and find places that match the former with few of the latter, and good luck. You can do it if you must.
thank you for 'all' of that. I had been thinking maybe 'renting' would be better than buying; that way I can explore freely.
@sologal That was my intent as well, renting first. I lost out on what might have been a perfect property, but just wasn't certain enough at that time to make the leap. It isn't the same as being 40 or 30 now... at least I don' t have to tie in employment and family to shape my choices.
Renting in an area for a year or two can give you some really good feedback. And every place has plusses and minuses--it's finding the balance in your favor that's the goal. Sorry for my verbosity... tend to want to be certain I'm understood.
Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.
Personally, I think rules are made to be broken.
I have no intention of following some "community rules" that I had no hand
in making. I'd never make it in any kind senior community setting.
I've also completely given up on men and ever being in another "romantic"
Perhaps seeking some professional mental health assistance will make you
feel less uncomfortable about your current state of being.
Or perhaps make you more comfortable with the idea of being a
Good luck.
Is something holding you in that area? If not, you might consider making another move.
I live in a red county but sometimes socialize in other areas. It just means I have to do more driving. I will likely move eventually.
yes indeed...I am worrying too much about how family will "oh, she is moving again....."but you are right why stay in the wrong place. Since moving here over a year ago, despite my invitations 'family' has not once come to see me....I have to go there......hahahah, will I ever learn.
@sologal And sometimes you needn't move too far. Maybe an hour or so in one direction or another could put you in a better spot.
A True Blue Democrat, in CA.. I’d be hanging tite with your local Dems! Then follow the fun ones to where they go. I’ve done the same in red rural VA. Even found an Atheist!
I’d suggest Birders/ Birding, they’re the best people I’ve consistently met.. Don’t need to know a thing, just watch, listen & learn. Check out Library programs; visiting Authors ..if only for an afternoon.. can be a breath of fresh air, especially when surrounded by well educated like-minded locals (there must be more than just you).
I come here, too. Haven’t met anyone ‘in real life,’ but am convinced ‘they’re out there!’ ...even grinning around town from various descriptions I’d read here ..can get me through the thick of it sometimes.
Find a University welcoming to the surrounding community, while filled with hungry youth.. And/ or, develop your skills of being alone; I hiked a day ago, then wondered neighboring towns yesterday. Find a place so amazing … you don’t need company
I live in a seniors complex in Long Beach with 80 units and around 100 residents. The only real rules here are:
Pay your rent.
Don't park in anyone else's assigned parking space.
Keep the noise level down after 11:00 pm until 7:00 am (actually that's a city ordinance, not a rule here).
There are occasional Bible studies here put on by a resident, but I doubt that more than ten people attend.
Our Representative is Alan Lowenthal, a solid Democrat with some progressive tendencies.
The area offers an abundance of music, art, theater, poetry, good (but not necessarily expensive) restaurants, and opportunities to interact with other people. I've never been there, but there is a senior center less than two mile away.
I like Long Beach....I graduated from Lakewood High. I liked what you wrote....and could live with those rules just fine...BUT, I am an animal lover and I am sure they have strict animals rules you left out. Otherwise, sounds like a great place........
yes, I have tried Meet ups in most places I have lived (Sacramento has the best). Here in Corona...it is very limiting.......and I am not the best 25 miles one way driver to meetings
Been in all but Alaska, Hawaii and Maine. My own opinion of the USA in general is not very good . . . been to Canada, met a lot of very nice people there. After I retire, I am probably going to move south of the border, Mexico or Costa Rica . . .
Check out Belize…
Check out their murder rate . . .
"My own opinion of the USA in general is not very good . . ." But apparently it is good if you want to work.
I have seriously thought of Canada...and even has many many inviting cousins there.....thanks
I work as a network engineer. The reason I dislike the USA is because of the wars for profit that the vast majority of Americans seem to ignore. The destruction of Palestine by the Zionist invaders, the use of White Phosphorous, the use of Depleted Uranium, which has a half-life that may as well be eternity, the economic sanctions that effect woman and children, the coups, the military in every country except the one they are suppose to be protecting . . . the Capitalist pigs like to brag about how good the system is, but it is in fact as good as it is as a result of wiping out other countries, destroying competition (Colonel Qaddafi's attempt at introducing an African gold currency for example), the constant hypocrisy with regard to wanting to provide other countries with better governments while in truth only destroying them an leaving them to their own devices, Libya being a perfect example where slaves are now sold, something that Colonel Qaddifi would never have tolerated . . . . so don't tell me it has to do with "work". If it was related to work the woman in the photo below would be millionaires.
I also live in a red, religious town. I have found myself surrounding myself with engineers, veterans, and professionals. I don't like to limit myself to certain people but lately they are the only people I can communicate with. So, I have this small group of about six couples who I see often.
you are fortunate to have found these people.
I think it is great that you had a great career, many friends and continued learning throughout your life.... too many people these days could only be so lucky, especially with the career and many friends parts... good luck to you and your transition and newfound struggles as a retiree living in a seniors community.
When i win the lotto i will rescue you. Until then, i will send you my thoughts and prayers.
@K9Kohle789 Imbeciles. No plan. No reality of what will happen. I'm ready. Must be the reason the universe keeps changing the winning numbers, whenever i win.
don't waste your time on prayers for me....many have and all have failed.