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Most of the days that i am not videoing, i am editing, so i am online and will be popping in and out. Been a very nice experience so far and have enjoyed the interactions and the nice people i have met. Seems to be a great community here. I used to be very active on Facebook, creating, admining and being involved with many Atheist/Agnostic groups. But became mostly bored with that all and gave it all up for the most part. I have acquired quite a few friends over the years within the notable, active and outspoken Atheist/Agnostic community. Great people and good friends to have on your side. I appreciate the warm welcome to this community, thanks........

JohnnyQB 7 Nov 6

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Now I am curious . . ."Most of the days that i am not videoing, i am editing"
What might I ask?

Kind of like saying you are painting, is that a house, a boat or a Picasso?

@JohnnyQB I like it when I have to google something . . .SUAS--Special Users Airspace

Not all drones are created equal. Do you operate a quad for a living, also editing the footage for real estate presentations? I got that right?

Thats a new type of employment, very interesting. How did you get into that, through a hobby or Av backgraound?

@JohnnyQB Thats a lucky break, run all the way to the bank.
Tulsa huh, have not been to OK for decades. How did you handle the spring floods, lots of flood damage work for your clients?

I hope your people were ok.

Your gonna have the frozen plains pretty damn quick the weather says.

@JohnnyQB Did you hear that drone hobbyists got in the way of wildfire drop planes in CA this season, dozens of times.

Do you have like lanes of flight, airspace rules or something to follow, or is it just wing it?


We are really a great bunch of people, until we are not. LOL. WELCOME!


Welcome to our community here. I've found this site to be a kind of a refuge and have made a few friends along the way of getting to know people. You probably know that the more you post and share comments the more fun it is here. Glad you found us.


Pop in and out as much as you like. We will all be here popping in and out too.


Howdy and welcome here.


Glad you’re finding us fun...we’re not so bad a lot are we? Keep popping in, as and when you’ll always be welcome.


You got it!


It’s nice to be able to say what you think!





Glad you are here. I love the intelligent, kind, funny, wise and articulate people on

Thanks for your lovely post.

Ya didn't say that about me? 🙃

@Atheist3 Stop being jealous very unbecoming.


"Ya" disqualified you from being articulate.


Rightbackatchya. 🙂


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.


Your words are heartwarming, and welcome.





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