Guy's what's your opinion that there is only Two genders I would like to know?.
The human brain is the most complex thing we know of - EVER and ANYWHERE. I don't understand how some think that we can only be either one or the other.
I believe that gender is a sliding scale of varied lengths between the two extremes of female and male.
I have heard of hermorphidites but I suppose biologically what ever you see below pretty much sums it up. Having said that I have also seen people of a certain sex that clearly should have been the other.
How people feel inside or who they fall in love with is another matter. You can't make people feel or relate to when their mind argues that. Only they know that and no one has the right to change that.
My ancestors (native American) supposedly identified multiple genders which is hearsay to me but it's what I've heard.
There are multiple genders, not just two. New terms come into meaning all the time. I have two granddaughters and two nieces who are gender fluid. They don't claim a set gender. I know there are other gender designations out there. Who are we to decide their gender for them?
Can i ask you this do you know when all these new Genders started coming out. or who had the idea for that? and how many Genders there are??
@WhiteChocolate Definitively, no. It's all part of the LGBT ? I think I got the acronym right. As people discover that they don't fit into the nice, neat little niches that society has planned for them, they coin terms to describe their self identification.
I cannot even consider answering this as I have a strong disdain for one's need to do combat which is poorly disguised as a question and desire for "conversation" -- as is evidenced (yet again) by the first few replies to comments here.
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Since no one can ever answer that question. How many Genders are there than?
One issue I have from reading the comments is that you are not using the correct terminology. The second is that even assuming you were right (which you are not) that still shows more then two sexes. Gender and sex is not the same thing. Either way there are more then two. Even if you want to ignore the others. That does not mean they disappear.
So before we discuss this you are saying Sex and Gender are two different correct?..