Anyone see the movie Unplanned? It's repulsive and shows an abortion with fetal heart monitor, & video of the LIKLEY dead fetus being removed.
This is religious propaganda to keep he sheeple together, sort of like a Border Collie but not as effective.
If you've seen it what did you think of it? []
Where are the movies of real kids living in junk piles, those who are beaten and starved, because their parents didn’t want them? Where are the videos of women dying due to complications during pregnancy and term still births? Where are all the anti abortion people when the children are abandoned after birth? These same anti abortion religious freaks that are supporting Trump’s order allowing religious adoption agencies to refuse placing children in LBGTQ stable households for religious reasons. Biggest hypocrites are those throwing god at you.
Good question
Brad Jones as "The Cinema Snob" did a satirical review of this film, as he does on principle with all Pureflix movies (From the makers of "Gawd's not dead 1 to 745, I'm not ashamed and Sarah's Choice an anti abortion rip off of "A Christmas Carol" where a pregnant woman is visited by the spirits of three aborted fetuses I kid you not).
They hate hate hate Brad especially since the release of his own Microbudget film "Jesus Bro!" a few years back that mocked every Pureflix trope in the book and made considerably more money than their (forgive the pun) gawdawful films ever do.