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So if you or I come to something which we find dull and uninteresting, but other people seem to find fascinating. How can you or I know if it is the thing which is truly dull and uninteresting or if it is us ?

Fernapple 9 Nov 11

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It’s the dull and boring thing. I have no interest in golf, which I find dull and boring, and see no need to change that.

No one is dull and boring in their element, but we do not need to chastise ourselves if we do not find another’s interest riveting!

Funny that of all things, the only thing that any commentators on this post mentioned by name is golf, and that was at least three of you. LOL

@Fernapple Haha getting close to empirical evidence!

@Geoffrey51 "No one is dull and boring in their element," You say , but what about those sad individuals who find nothing interesting, were they born to be just life long social problems, or is education at the core of apprieciation, and if so are they therefore victims of a failed education system which failed to find them a direction.

@Fernapple I don’t know any of those people so can’t really comment, but there are also mental health issues to consider.

I am not convinced that education is at the core but certainly a broad view of the world is helpful I would suggest

Golfing may require a personalised intervention!


Oooo. Fun 🙂. I wonder about this on a weekly basis, anytime I git bored. It seems likely to me that it’s a mixture of both. Now I’m feeling wimpy. Or maybe it’s “wimpish”. But our perceptions frame experiences, right? My brain is looking at itself now, and suddenly I’m bored. So confused lol


Dullness is in the eyes and brain of the beholder!


Whoa..... my head is still spinning after reading that.


Beats the hell out of me.


Ones interests are what they are.


Different strokes for different folks.

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