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Last semester, I had to watch "Jesus Camp" in my sociology class. My professor was not religious. She had us watch it from a sociological perspective; then write a journal entry discussing social influences that factor into childhood development, social groups, and group think examples that we saw from the documentary.

That documentary freaked me out! It was actually quite scary. It is the ultimate form of brainwashing, child abuse, and pure nonsense.

The part that freaked me out the most was when they had the children take a hammer to all these glass cups, as a symbol of letting go of sins or something.

Has anyone else seen this documentary?

vjohnson51 7 Nov 11

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I was already atheist when I watched it so I just found it incredible funny 🙂

@vjohnson51 Central Iowa Bible Camp is still in business Earlham Iowa....these cults survive on tax exemptions and rental income ....I had to help paint and work in kitchen my 2nd year


Yep, and it is Trumps base and about 15-20% nationally.

For those who have not seen it, but a preview or trailer, it is exponentially worse than you may expect.

Nearly a quarter of the US population, evangelicals are diverse and drawn from a variety of denominational backgrounds, including Baptist, Mennonite, Methodist, Holiness, Pentecostal, Reformed and nondenominational churches.--wiki

understand also that this same loose affiliation has usurped control of school textbooks and how they are printed including what content is allowed. Aaron Ra has a long speech about that and how it is being implemented.


I would not care to watch it. The very idea of putting it on young children that they have "sins" and Jesus can help them is horrible! How could any adult think this was right? It is all made up and not even in their buybull.


I was forced to go to bible camp 1962 1963 and I had fun because I was already an Atheist since 1957 .....all the scared believer kids did not know why I was smiling and laughing after some sunset baptisms...... at night in the barracks....I told the guys the older girls were pretty and how much fun it was to swim in the creek and catch crawdads.....that's the way reality works.....hell threats and heaven bribes don't work upon proud Atheists so enjoy your life ....compassion for religious victims works best by setting a good example for believers to follow NOT SUPERSTITION



Regardless of age, they're all just crazy, mixed up kids.


I have never heard of Jesus Camp...I presume it’s American. From what I have read down below from others who have knowledge of it, I’m horrified. This should be banned, it is brainwashing and mind control of the most frightening and violent kind, and I’d call it child abuse.

All religion = cults ....picking on fundies is just snobbery by so called liberal faiths

@vjohnson51 breaking cups has an ancient irony with Greek OSTRACISM.....OUR Atheist forebears 27 centuries ago used broken pottery pieces to count votes in trials where all citizens present voted guilty or not guilty


Too stressful to think about.


Yes, typical brainwashing used by evangelicals, nothing from these hypocrites freaks me out any longer.


No and I don't think I want to.


Can't remember if I saw part of it or all of it. Very disturbing and maddening. I think I saw it as part of a plan to train these youths to enter into politics and infiltrate the government. I hope there are enough sane people to keep this from happening. Best defense against their plan is showing the movie to voters.


Saw a few years back. Mind-blowing to say the least. Despite the brainwashing, and how disturbing that indoctrination is, I was more fearful when I saw the footage of a (ISIS) radicalized child (in training) cutting the head off of a doll, as practice for a real beheading.

Paraphrasing Armin Nevabi from his Toronto talk, it came up in discussion; "what can the Atheist community learn from the theists?" His answer was, "Their 'marketing,' no one does it better."
The Jesus camp, radicalization, when you distill it down to a principle, all these things are brute force pyramid scheme marketing on steroids.

Why do they call it 'born again christian?' Because you have to have the mind of a child to believe the stories, and fantasy. Sadly, lots of adults have never outgrown this.


I never have because when I watched the trailer I cringed. I was also a closet nonbeliever when I watched the Mel Gibson The Passion of the Christ with believers.


I didn't think anything had made me want to watch it more than this


I have not.
I'm sorry you had to.


Teaching to drink the Koolaid.


I saw a few excerpts, and didn't really want to watch it after that. You're right, it's horrible.


Couldn't watch it. Hard to believe this is real stuff. Reality escapes either me or them. One of us needs help.


Also not sure if it was that or a differnt documentary, but I was freaked out by this kids with fake, pained looking "smiles" on their faces.


Oy. Even the Children of the fucking Corn would look at those kids and say "damn, you are TOO intense." The segment when they are praying to a cardboard cutout of Dumbya, though....


I saw it awhile back and also found it disturbing.

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