Conservative GOP Strategist, gives Democrats the perfect blueprint to shut down Jim Jordan's expected antics at the Impeachment Inquiry. Just bring up the sexual assault of wrestlers when Jordan was coaching. Why didn't he say anything and stop it? Good idea? Agree/Disagree?
I am sure 434 out of 435 congressman have worse in their closets.... and I am being generous.
The usual grasping at straws. Bottom line they are supporting someone who is, for normal people, unsupportable.
I totally agree. Damned repug party is full of men that are sex abusers or cover for them. Or child molesters!
I've said all along this "Us going high " has got to stop. We need to get as dirty as they are. Al Franken resigned for this shit?
Al Franken’s resignation was exactly what the whole thing was orchestrated to do. Totally set up to shame an honorable man for something that was no more that a common hijinks in a high stress environment. He never should have left, the whole thing would have blown over in a news cycle or two. Trump on the other hand has been accused of actual harassment by at least 22 women and it gets buried in all the other despicable things he has done in his life.
@Barnie2years I agree -we need Al Franken more now than ever. I was angry with Kristen Gillibrand for villifying him. She is my Senator now and I don't like her.
Great idea! Helps point out his hypocrisy!!!