Something Very Strange Seems to Be Synchronizing Distant Galaxies
Of course, the Gravity-only Big Bang universe hypothesis is being seen for the fraud it is.
Electricity explains what looks like synchronizing. Evidence has long said stars and galaxies form along electric currents in space and these currents join larger structures.
"being seen for the fraud it is" [citation needed]
@FearlessFly Seeing the fraud will require you to look at Georges LeMaitre’s part in the story. America’s fundamentalists needed a creation story to challenge Darwin and LeMaitre, with fraudulent intent, used mathematics to support Genesis.
At you can download a free PDF document and learn more.
Thank you for the cite.
I have dl'ed it.
I'm impressed by his effort and that it is gratis
Just getting started, but . . .
"no academic credentials" -- initially troubling.
He is referring to gravity as "a force" (not as a space-time curvature)
. . . will be reading it "in my spare time"
@FearlessFly You are most welcome. I hope you find it informative.