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So apparently they’ve known that, ‘the pill’ is carcinogenic since 2016, at least.
Is it just me, or has this been swept under the carpet somewhat?

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girlwithsmiles 8 Nov 16

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Given a choice between cancer and pregnancy, I'll take my chances with cancer.

I’m rethinking that now, but likely to come the same conclusion.


You have to know your cancer risks. If you carry certain genetic issues - you will endanger yourself by using hormone therapy.

However you can be tested for these now. In Breast Cancer think BRCA, HER2 and ER+. You can learn more here []

Sometimes regulating your cycle is the best defense against cancer. Testing and physician input is always required.

Ok, thanks. I have a 10% chance of getting one form of cancer based on my family history. But it’s not breast cancer or something that hormones would change, I hope.
I guess that’s why I take it pretty seriously, my great grandad died of it and my grandma fought it.


It is confusing to hear that both birth control and hormone replacement therapy can both cause and prevent cancer. The phrases more and less likely do not feel like any assurance that women safely can assume either one of these medications is without risk. I responded because my mom took hormone replacement late in life, and developed breast cancer (no incidence of that in our family). That cancer and the cancer treatment drugs caused her drastic problems, because at that time she also had Parkinson's. Before those two diseases, she had always been very healthy.

"We estimated that 135 cases of cancer were attributable to oral contraceptives ever use and that 328 cases of cancer were potentially prevented by the exposure, resulting in a net protective effect.

Ever use of hormone therapy was estimated to be associated with 271 newly diagnosed cancers, and it potentially prevented 48 cancers, thus increasing the overall cancer burden."


I don't see how synthetic hormones which the body naturally produces can cause cancer, or for that matter prevent it. I can see how it could contribute either one way or the other, but not cause, unless... there are substances in the synthetics that are not actually hormones identical to the natural ones.

I’m not sure but the study seems pretty legit and it’s been added to the list of proven carcinogens. I’m just a bit behind the right ball in finding out apparently: []
Alcohol is there too.

@girlwithsmiles Almost everything is in there. Someone, somewhere, will be susceptible to some degree. In the final analysis, life is carcinogenic!
The only sensible thing to do is look at percentages.

@Petter Thanks, yes wood dust was a strange one, my dad’s a carpenter and drinker, he’ll be 70 next year with no cancer duagnosed, thank goodness.

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