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Came across this black blog and was interested to see it being shared by several very intellectual black friends - maybe religiosity is fading in their communities as well? []

Allamanda 8 Nov 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Another black atheist blog, if anyone is interested...



I hate the terms black and white to describe humans.

Neither is accurate.

That is all. As you were.

SCal Level 7 Nov 18, 2019

Agreed but they are in common usage. What do you prefer, I’m pretty used to being considered white, I’m even white other on a lot of forms apparently filled in to assist with equality.

@girlwithsmiles Christianity is also common. Will just leave it there.

Sure, criticism is fine, but unless you’re prepared to help resolve the issue nothing is really gained by it but poor feelings.
When describing someone as having red hair or being blonde no one gets upset, but for some reason attempting to identify someone by skin colour, an obvious identifier, there’s still an issue. That makes life more difficult. Especially when we’re expected to go back to a heritage that the person may or may not have had in their distant past.
According to archaeology we all came from Africa at some stage.

@girlwithsmiles There really is no issue. I simply stated my personal preference. I did not presume that anyone was obliged to feel the way I do about it.

@girlwithsmiles I also believe that Earth is the common heritage of all known, living things.

It doesn't appear that I hold identifiers or ease of using them in as high of esteem as you.

Science says races of humans are social constructs, anyhow. Human social systems are mostly stupid and grossly uninformed. Falling into the uninformed thinking that there are different species of humans is a part of the problem of uninformed thinking.

Humans with darkly melanated skin are not different types of humans. It's a genetic marker that all humans have. There is no jewish marker in human dna, because jewish is not a race, it's a religion.

Stop the madness.

@BryanLV I don’t hold identifiers in high esteem. I do find it strange that they are so emotive though. Just yesterday I heard 2 people talking it was clear they didn’t know what the correct descriptor was. But I don’t wish to upset anyone, as most ‘decent’ people don’t, it seems to me.

Sure thing, lady. Says does not hold descriptors in high esteem, then uses another descriptor.

This conversation has gotten too stupid to continue. Hilarious.


It is changing, take Hopsin, but it is an uphill battle, if your culture is ripped from you and replaced for hundreds of years, the owners religion put in its place and the only coping mechanism you have whilst enduring slavery it twists not only the religion but the culture.


don't hold your breath there. that culture is very wrapped up in christian evangelism.

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