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Do you fear contact with Police, either city or county or state?

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PondartIncbendog 8 Nov 23

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It's a bit dated and about 45 minutes long, but I found this lecture from Prof. James Duane fascinating.

Why one should NOT talk to the police if stopped.


No, but they can't enter my home without a warrant. I'm not afraid, but I sure as hell don't trust them.


I suspect that some police departments have quotas systems. Cops may occasionally plant illegal drugs on people or in their cars.


Not as much as when I was young.


Wanted to be one; they were the most stable presence in my rough childhood neighborhood. Had a state trooper admire my new motorcycle at some ‘intermittent local license check’ this summer. ...and spoke with a couple deputies ‘this evening’ I’d set off an alarm at work 😉

I know why the best do it, an often thankless job, and admire & appreciate them, generally from afar..

Varn Level 8 Nov 24, 2019

Understanding that many people all over the City are afraid of offcers who are ASSHOLES, we can study the fact that so many positians are attemptian....we ALL know THAT WE KNOW EVERY POSSIBLE

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