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First, you cut taxes for the rich and the deficit explodes. Now, you want to cut social security to pay for it...

snytiger6 9 Nov 24

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The amazing part is anyone believes this would work. Social Security is separately funded, and nothing that happens to it will have any effect on the deficit. Just more sadism from the GOP.

You are of course right, but most people aren't that aware of how government and its programs are funded.


Robert Reich has been saying this... I think since before the tax cuts for the rich were passed.


The cartoon is truthful. It has always been there plan and also that of the corporate Dems as well, including Obama. Which is part of why I hate him....

I don't hate Obama, but he was a pretty big disappointment. Once elected he dropped all of his progressive issues and went totally moderate.

@snytiger6 I hate all lying pols, but esp. those who pretend to be for the common people. At least the Repubs pretty much tell you straight up how they are going to screw you and serve the rich.

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